catalo |
variant of cattalo. |
catalog |
a systematic, usu. annotated, list of book titles, items on display, merchandise, or the like that is available in or from a source such as a library, retail store, or mail order merchandiser. [5 definitions] |
catalogue raisonné |
reasoned catalog (French); a listing of books, art works, or the like, with explanatory notes; descriptive catalog. |
catalpa |
any of several deciduous shade trees that have broad leaves and bear clusters of white flowers and long slender pods. |
catalysis |
the introduction or intervention of a substance that causes or speeds up a chemical reaction without being affected itself. [2 definitions] |
catalyst |
a substance that produces or speeds up a chemical reaction without being affected itself. [2 definitions] |
catalytic converter |
an antipollution device on automobiles that consists of a chemical filter connected to the exhaust system. |
catalyze |
to bring about or change, as a catalyst. |
catamaran |
a boat, usu. a sailboat, with parallel twin hulls. |
catamount |
any of various wildcats, such as the mountain lion, cougar, or panther. |
cataphoresis |
electrophoresis. |
cataplasia |
degeneration of cells or tissue. |
catapult |
an ancient military machine used to hurl missiles such as large stones, esp. at fortifications. [5 definitions] |
cataract |
a large waterfall. [3 definitions] |
catarrh |
inflammation of mucous membranes in the nose and throat, accompanied by secretions and discharge. |
catastrophe |
a calamity with widespread effects; disaster. [3 definitions] |
catastrophic |
causing destruction, devastation, or very great distress; ruinous; disastrous. [2 definitions] |
catatonia |
a disorder, esp. of schizophrenia, characterized by rigidity of the muscles, mental stupor, and muteness; catalepsy. |
catatonic |
suffering from catatonia. [2 definitions] |
Catawba |
a member of a North American Indian tribe of South Carolina. [3 definitions] |
Cat Ba Island |
the largest of the 366 islands in Halong Bay off the coast of northern Vietnam. |