Celtic |
a group of Indo-European languages that includes Irish and Scots Gaelic and Manx in one branch and the Brythonic languages in another. [2 definitions] |
cembalo |
a harpsichord. |
cement |
any of various powdered mixtures of clay and limestone that harden into a solid with the addition of water, used as a construction material. [6 definitions] |
cementum |
a bonelike tissue covering the root of a tooth. |
cemetery |
a burial ground, esp. one that is not connected to a church; graveyard. |
-cene |
recent (used in words designating geological periods). |
ceno- |
new. |
cenobite |
a member of a religious order who lives in a convent, monastery, or other spiritual community. |
cenotaph |
a monument in memory of a dead person who is buried at a different location. |
Cenozoic |
of, relating to, or designating the most recent geological era that includes the present and began approximately 70 million years ago, when many mammals appeared, the modern continents took shape, and glacial ice formed. [2 definitions] |
censer |
a small container, often swung from chains by a cleric in religious ceremonies, in which the fragrance of burning incense is dispersed. |
censor |
an official who examines written works, films, plays, and the like in order to delete parts that are considered objectionable on political, moral, or other grounds. [6 definitions] |
censorious |
highly critical or disapproving. |
censorship |
the act or policy of censoring. |
censure |
severe criticism or disapproval. [4 definitions] |
census |
an official count and statistical survey of a population, usu. conducted at periodic intervals. |
cent |
a monetary unit of numerous countries, including the United States and Canada; a hundredth part of certain currencies. [2 definitions] |
cental |
a unit of weight equal to one hundred pounds or 45.3 kilograms. |
centaur |
in Greek mythology, any of a race of creatures that have the head, arms, and torso of a man and the trunk and legs of a horse. |
centavo |
a monetary unit of several countries, esp. in Latin America. |
Centella |
a small creeping plant used in herbal medicine, also called urban spadeleaf, gotu kola, or Asiatic pennywort. [2 definitions] |