chuckhole |
a hole or rut in a road surface; pothole. |
chuckle |
to laugh softly or in a half-suppressed manner. [3 definitions] |
chuck wagon |
in the western United States, a wagon or van used to carry food and utensils for feeding outdoor workers such as cowboys. |
chuckwalla |
a large lizard, related to the iguana, that lives in the deserts of Mexico and the southwestern United States. |
chuff |
a chugging or puffing sound, as of a steam engine. [2 definitions] |
chug |
a short, repetitive, explosive sound, esp. that made by a slow-moving locomotive. [3 definitions] |
chukar |
a partridge native to Asia and Europe, with red beak and feet and chestnut upper plumage, that has been introduced into the western United States as a game bird. |
chukka |
a suede boot of ankle height, having two pairs of eyelets for the laces. |
chukker |
in polo, a period of play lasting seven and one-half minutes. |
chum1 |
(informal) a close or intimate friend; pal. [2 definitions] |
chum2 |
chopped or ground bait dumped or scattered into water to attract fish. [3 definitions] |
chummy |
(informal) in a close, friendly relationship, or acting as if one were or wished to be in such a relationship. |
chump1 |
(informal) a fool; dolt. [3 definitions] |
chump2 |
to chew; munch; chomp. |
chunk |
a thick lump or piece of any material. [2 definitions] |
chunky |
of thick or sturdy build; stocky. [2 definitions] |
chuppah |
a canopy under which a bridal couple exchange vows in a Jewish wedding ceremony. |
church |
a building for public Christian worship. [6 definitions] |
Church Fathers |
the ecclesiastical authorities of the early Christian church, whose writings had an authoritative influence on the formation of Christian doctrine. |
churchgoer |
one who attends church, esp. on a regular basis. |
churchless |
combined form of church. |