circumstantial evidence |
facts that are not direct evidence of an action, but that, in a court of law, may support an inference about that action; indirect evidence. |
circumstantiate |
to supply circumstances or particulars as evidence, proof, or description of. |
circumterrestrial |
revolving around or surrounding the earth. |
circumvallate |
encircled by or as by a wall, rampart, or trench. [2 definitions] |
circumvent |
to manage to avoid or evade, esp. by clever maneuvering. [2 definitions] |
circus |
a traveling show that usually includes performances by acrobats and clowns, and sometimes trained animals. [3 definitions] |
ciré |
a smooth shiny finish, as on a fabric, produced by treatment with wax and heat. [2 definitions] |
cirque |
a circular basin or hollow in an upper end of a mountain valley sometimes containing a pond. |
cirrhosis |
a chronic, often fatal, disease of the liver in which excessive tissue is formed resulting in blockage of circulation. |
cirro- |
cirrus. |
cirrocumulus |
a high-altitude cloud formed of many small, thin, rounded cloudlets, often arranged in rows or regular series. |
cirrostratus |
a thin, hazy, high-altitude cloud, which usu. covers the entire sky. |
cirrus |
a high-altitude cloud usu. appearing in the form of filaments or threads. [3 definitions] |
cis- |
on this side of. |
cisalpine |
on this, the southern, or the Roman side of the Alps. |
cisco |
any of various whitefish or the like that are native to the Great Lakes and other cold lakes in North America. |
cisgender |
of, pertaining to, or being a person whose personal gender identity corresponds with the sex that this person was born with or was assigned at the time of birth. |
cislunar |
lying between the earth and the moon's orbit; on this side of the moon. |
cisplatin |
a platinum-containing chemotherapy drug used esp. in the treatment of ovarian, testicular, and bladder cancer. |
Cistercian |
a member of an order of monks and nuns who follow the Benedictine rule. |
cistern |
a tank or other receptacle for catching and storing water, esp. rainwater. |