claimant |
one who makes a claim. |
clairaudience |
the alleged ability to perceive sounds not within hearing distance or not in the physical realm. |
clairvoyance |
the supposed supernatural ability to perceive events that have not yet occurred or things not directly available to the five senses. [2 definitions] |
clairvoyant |
possessing the ability to see or know things that are beyond the five senses. [2 definitions] |
clam |
any of various saltwater and freshwater mollusks, esp. those species that are edible. [4 definitions] |
clambake |
a seaside picnic or party at which clams and various other foods are cooked, usu. by placing on heated rocks covered with a layer of seaweed. [2 definitions] |
clamber |
to climb awkwardly or with difficulty, using both hands and feet. [2 definitions] |
clammy |
unpleasantly moist, cool, and sticky. [2 definitions] |
clamor |
a loud or sustained uproar or din, esp. of voices. [6 definitions] |
clamorous |
loud or noisy. [2 definitions] |
clamour |
(chiefly British) variant of clamor. |
clamp |
a device used to fasten, support, or compress two or more objects or pieces. [4 definitions] |
clamp down |
(informal) to establish or increase controls or penalties with respect to criminal or disapproved of behaviors. [2 definitions] |
clampdown |
a strict imposition of authority, rules, limitations, or the like; prohibition or suppression. |
clams casino |
a dish in which clams, combined with a dressing flavored with garlic and bacon, are broiled on the half shell. |
clamshell |
the shell of a clam. [2 definitions] |
clam up |
(informal) to stop talking or refuse to speak. |
clan |
among the Scottish Highlanders, a traditional basis of social organization, composed of a group of families claiming a common hereditary ancestor. [3 definitions] |
clandestine |
planned or occurring in a secret or surreptitious manner, esp. for subversive or illicit purposes. |
clang |
to emit a clear, resonant sound or ring, such as that made when two heavy metal objects are struck together. [3 definitions] |
clangor |
a clear, resonant sound or ring; clang. [3 definitions] |