class struggle |
in Marxist theory, the constant contention for economic and political power that goes on between the owners of the means of production, or capitalists, and the workers. |
classy |
(informal) of high quality; stylish. |
clatter |
to make a loud rattling noise, as by striking objects together or by moving. [3 definitions] |
Claude Debussy |
a French composer (b.1862--d.1918). |
clause |
in grammar, a sequence of words having a subject and a verb and forming one part of a compound or complex sentence, or all of a simple sentence. [2 definitions] |
claustral |
of or related to a cloister, or to seclusion from the world. |
claustrophobia |
an abnormal fear of being in closed or confined places. |
clavate |
club-shaped. |
clavichord |
an early soft-toned keyboard instrument, recognized as the forerunner of the piano, with strings that are struck by metal wedges attached to the end of each key. |
clavicle |
either of two bones joining the breastbone and the shoulder blades; collarbone. |
clavier |
any musical instrument that has a keyboard, esp. one like the harpsichord or piano that has strings. [2 definitions] |
claw |
a slender, sharp, usu. curved nail on the foot of an animal. [6 definitions] |
claw hammer |
a hammer with the back side of the head curved and split in two to resemble a pair of claws, used to pry out nails. |
clay |
earth that consists mainly of hydrated silicates of aluminum, and is used for making bricks, pottery, and tiles. [3 definitions] |
claymore |
a double-edged broadsword formerly used by Scottish Highlanders. |
claymore mine |
a mine, planted in the ground, that is designed to explode in a fanlike array of fragments in the path of an enemy force. |
clay pigeon |
a clay disk used as a target in trapshooting. |
clean |
not dirty or stained; unsoiled. [12 definitions] |
cleanable |
combined form of clean. |
clean and jerk |
a weightlifting movement in which the barbell is lifted from the floor and, in one continuous movement, raised over the head with the arms fully extended upward. |
clean bill of health |
(informal) an affirmation of satisfactory condition, qualification, or the like. |