clover |
any of various plants having three-lobed leaves and small, dense flowers, and often used for pasturage or hay. (See four-leaf clover.) [2 definitions] |
cloverleaf |
a set of interchange roads, patterned like a four-leaf clover, at the intersection of two highways that are on different levels. [2 definitions] |
Clovis point |
the oldest known type of flint tool in North America, esp. spearheads, dating to approximately 13,500 years ago and found near Clovis, New Mexico. |
clown |
a comic performer, as in a circus, who wears odd clothes and exaggerated makeup and entertains by jokes, tricks, juggling, and the like. [4 definitions] |
cloy |
to oversupply with something sweet or pleasant so that the experience of these things becomes sickening or wearisome. [2 definitions] |
cloying |
sickening or wearisome by being excessively sweet or pleasant. |
cloze |
of, pertaining to, or being a measure of reading comprehension or language acquisition in which a learner is asked to supply words that are missing from a text. Such words will have been systematically deleted and typically range across various parts of speech. [2 definitions] |
club |
a heavy stick, esp. of wood, used as a weapon. [7 definitions] |
clubable |
combined form of club. |
club car |
a railroad passenger car equipped with lounge chairs, tables, and a buffet or bar. |
clubfoot |
a congenital deformity or malformation of a foot. [2 definitions] |
clubhouse |
a building or room owned by a club and used for meetings and other events. |
clubman |
a man who is a member of a club at which he spends much time or in which he is quite active. |
club sandwich |
a sandwich of three or more layers of bread, often toasted, that is filled with layers of meat, cheese, tomato, mayonnaise, and the like. |
club soda |
a carbonated, unflavored water; soda water. |
club steak |
a beefsteak cut from the upper end of the short loin. |
clubwoman |
a woman who is a member of one or more clubs at which, or in the activities of which, she spends much time. |
cluck |
to make the sharp, throaty noise of a hen brooding or calling chicks. [4 definitions] |
clue |
something that gives direction or help in solving a puzzle, problem, or mystery. [2 definitions] |
clue in |
to provide with information or make aware. |
clueless |
(informal) having absolutely no understanding, awareness, or knowledge of something. [2 definitions] |