color |
the visible aspect of an object, other than form or size, that depends on the hue, chroma, or brightness of light that it reflects or emits. [12 definitions] |
colorable |
able to be colored. [2 definitions] |
Colorado |
a western U.S. state bordered by Wyoming, Kansas, New Mexico, and Utah. (abbr.: CO) [2 definitions] |
colorado |
of cigars, medium in strength and color. |
Colorado beetle |
a black and yellow beetle that eats potatoes and other plants. |
colorant |
something that changes the color of something else, esp. a pigment or dye. |
coloration |
arrangement or appearance of color; coloring. [2 definitions] |
coloratura |
flourishes, such as runs or trills, in vocal music. [4 definitions] |
color bar |
segregation or discrimination based on race or skin color, usu. as practiced by whites against nonwhites; color line. |
color barrier |
unspoken social code of racial segregation or discrimination, esp. in sports, education, public service, and the like. |
color-blind |
partly or totally unable to distinguish a color or colors. [2 definitions] |
colorcast |
to televise in color. [2 definitions] |
color-code |
to organize, classify, or designate according to color. |
colorectal |
of, pertaining to, or affecting the colon and rectum. |
colored |
having color. [3 definitions] |
colorfast |
having color that will not fade even with exposure to sun or multiple washings. |
colorful |
having many colors; brilliant in color. [2 definitions] |
color guard |
those who carry and escort a country's flag or several colored flags in a parade or ceremony. |
coloring |
the process or method of imparting color. [4 definitions] |
coloring book |
a paperbound book, usu. for children, containing pictures printed in outline that are to be colored in with crayon, watercolors, or the like. |
colorist |
a painter whose employment of color is a principal means of artistic communication. [2 definitions] |