colorless |
lacking in color. [3 definitions] |
color line |
any institutionalized separation of races that is based on skin color and that results in social and economic discrimination and oppression; color bar. |
color phase |
one of two or more specific colorings, determined by age or season, that are assumed by certain animals. [2 definitions] |
colossal |
extremely large in size, magnitude, or effect; enormous; gigantic; huge. |
Colossians |
a book of the New Testament, consisting of a letter written by the apostle Paulto the Christians of Colossae. |
colossus |
anything colossal or gigantic in size or importance. [3 definitions] |
colostomy |
a surgical opening cut into the colon to allow excretion, usu. made when the rectum is blocked or after surgery for colon cancer. |
colostrum |
the yellowish milk secreted by a female mammal in the first few days after the birth of young, that is esp. rich in immune factors and protein. |
colour |
a spelling of "color" used in Canada and Britain. See "color" for more information. |
colt |
a young male horse, esp. one younger than four years old. [2 definitions] |
colter |
the blade or wheel on the front of a plowshare that cuts a line in the sod. |
coltish |
having a playful nature; lively or frolicsome, like a colt. |
coltsfoot |
a widespread perennial weed, named for the shape of its leaves. |
Columbia |
a river that flows from British Columbia, along the Washington-Oregon border, and into the Pacific. [2 definitions] |
columbine |
any of several plants related to the buttercup, bearing varicolored flowers having five spurred petals. |
columbium |
see "niobium." |
Columbus |
the capital of Ohio. |
Columbus Day |
a U.S. holiday, usu. observed on the second Monday in October, that commemorates Christopher Columbus's discovery of the New World. |
column |
a regularly appearing article or editorial in a newspaper or magazine. [5 definitions] |
columniation |
the architectural use of columns, or an arrangement of columns in a structure. |
columnist |
a writer or editor of a regular column or feature in a newspaper or magazine. |