commend |
to cite with praise, as for some act or service. [3 definitions] |
commendable |
worthy of notice and praise. |
commendation |
the act of commending. [2 definitions] |
commendatory |
commending or praising. |
commensal |
eating a meal together. [4 definitions] |
commensurable |
measurable by the same standard. |
commensurate |
of equal measure, as extent or duration. [3 definitions] |
comment |
a written or spoken statement of observation or opinion. [8 definitions] |
commentary |
a series of explanatory or interpretive remarks or comments. [3 definitions] |
commentate |
to give a commentary on. [2 definitions] |
commentator |
one who provides a commentary, esp. one who reports news along with background information or interpretation in a radio or television broadcast. |
commerce |
the exchange of goods or services for money; business transactions. [2 definitions] |
commercial |
of or relating to trade or business. [4 definitions] |
commercial bank |
a bank that is involved primarily in receiving demand deposits that are used as checking accounts, and in making short-term loans. |
commercialism |
the goals, spirit, operation, and methods of commerce and business. [2 definitions] |
commercialize |
to make into a commercial enterprise something that is not necessarily commercial in nature. |
commercial paper |
any of various negotiable papers, such as bills of exchange, used in business transactions. |
commercial traveler |
see "traveling salesman." |
commie |
(informal) a communist (used disparagingly). |
commingle |
to mingle or blend; mix. |
comminute |
to make into a powder; pulverize. [3 definitions] |