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Communist party a national political party, usu. affiliated internationally with similar parties, that supports or advocates communism, esp. as developed by Marx and Engels.
community a well-defined area, such as a town or area of a town, where people live together under one government. [5 definitions]
community center one or more buildings serving a community or neighborhood as a meeting place for social, educational, athletic, or other activities.
community chest a fund made up of private contributions collected for distribution to local charitable, welfare, and service organizations.
community college a junior college primarily serving, and often funded by, its local community.
community property property acquired by a husband, wife, or both together that is legally regarded as being owned by them jointly.
community spread the spread of an infectious disease within a community, especially the spread within a community where there are infected individuals who cannot trace the source of their infection and have not traveled to areas where there are known cases of the disease.
communize to make (property) subject to public or community ownership or control. [2 definitions]
commutate to reverse the direction of (alternating current) to create direct current.
commutation a substitution of a milder for a more severe criminal sentence. [3 definitions]
commutation ticket a ticket for a specified number of trips to and from the same destinations that is issued, at a reduced rate, to commuters, esp. for railroad or toll road travel.
commutative of or pertaining to substitution or exchange. [2 definitions]
commutator a device for changing the direction of an electric current.
commute to reduce the severity of (a prison sentence). [7 definitions]
commuter one who travels regularly between two points, usu. home and workplace.
comorbid of or pertaining to co-existing medical conditions in a patient.
comorbidity the presence of co-exisiting medical conditions in a patient.
Comoro Islands a group of islands between the coast of northern Mozambique and northern Madagascar. (See Comoros.)
Comoros an African country comprising three of the Comoro Islands; Federal and Islamic Republic of Comoros.
comp3 something given for free, especially in the restaurant or hospitality industry. [2 definitions]
comp1 to play an accompaniment to jazz music, as on a piano or guitar, often of syncopated chords.