congenital |
existing from birth, but usu. not hereditary. [2 definitions] |
conger |
any of various large sea eels; conger eel. |
congeries |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) a collection of various things or ideas. |
congest |
to fill to excess; overcrowd; clog. [3 definitions] |
congested |
filled to excess; clogged; overcrowded. |
congestion |
the condition of being excessively full, especially the condition of a road or highway being overly filled with traveling vehicles or pedestrians. [3 definitions] |
conglomerate |
a mass of various components, esp. stony material composed of various kinds of rock. [5 definitions] |
conglomeration |
a varied mass or mixture of persons, things, or substances. [2 definitions] |
Congo |
Republic of the Congo, a country in Central Africa south of Gabon and north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Republic of the Congo was formerly known as the French Congo. Its capital is Brazzaville. [3 definitions] |
congo eel |
an eellike salamander of the southeastern United States that has two pairs of small nonfunctioning legs; congo snake. |
Congolese |
of or pertaining to either the Democratic Republic of the Congo or the Republic of the Congo, or to the people, culture, or language of either of these countries. [2 definitions] |
Congo River |
a river of central Africa flowing into the Atlantic Ocean; Zaire River. |
congo snake |
see "congo eel." |
congratulate |
to praise, acknowledge, and express one's pleasure at the achievement or good fortune of (a person or group). |
congratulation |
the act of congratulating. [2 definitions] |
congregate |
to bring or come together to form a group or assembly; gather. |
congregation |
the act of gathering together or congregating. [3 definitions] |
congregational |
of or relating to a congregation. [2 definitions] |
congregationalism |
a form of church government in which each member church or congregation is self-governing. [2 definitions] |
congress |
a formal assembly or meeting of representatives from various nations, states, or other organizations. [7 definitions] |
congressional |
(sometimes cap.) of or pertaining to a legislative congress, esp. the U.S. Congress. |