conjuncture |
a combination of events or circumstances, esp. one producing a crisis. [2 definitions] |
conjuration |
the act or an instance of conjuring; incantation. [2 definitions] |
conjure |
to do or produce by or as if by magic or sleight of hand. [4 definitions] |
conjurer |
one who conjures; magician; sorcerer. |
conjure up |
to produce in the mind; evoke. |
conk3 |
esp. of a motor, to stall or stop functioning completely (usu. fol. by "out"). [2 definitions] |
conk1 |
a hard body of any of various shelflike fungi that grow on the sides of trees. |
conk2 |
a hairstyle in which curly or kinky hair is straightened, usu. chemically. [3 definitions] |
conker |
(chiefly British; informal) a brown, inedible nut encased in a spiky husk produced by a horse chestnut tree; horse chestnut; buckeye. [2 definitions] |
conk out |
to suddenly stop functioning. [2 definitions] |
con man |
see "confidence man." |
conn |
variant of con3. |
connect |
to join together; link. [4 definitions] |
connectable |
combined form of connect. |
connected |
related or associated in some way. [3 definitions] |
Connecticut |
a northeastern U.S. state south of Massachusetts. (abbr.: CT) |
connecting rod |
a rod that links a rotating part of a machine to a reciprocating part, such as a crankshaft to a piston. |
connection |
something that connects. [6 definitions] |
connective |
serving or tending to connect. [2 definitions] |
connective tissue |
tissue in the body, such as fat, cartilage, or bone, that holds together and supports organs and other tissues. |
conning tower |
a low enclosed observation tower on a submarine, used as the entrance and exit. [2 definitions] |