cornhusking |
the action of removing the husks from ears of corn. [2 definitions] |
cornice |
in architecture, a decorative horizontal projection running near or along the upper edge of a wall or building; molding. [4 definitions] |
Cornish |
of, concerning, or typical of Cornwall, its people, or their ancient Celtic language. [2 definitions] |
corn liquor |
see "corn whiskey." |
cornmeal |
a coarse meal ground from corn. |
corn pone |
in the southern United States, bread made of corn meal, without eggs or milk, and usu. baked in small oval loaves. |
cornrow |
a section of hair braided tightly and close to the scalp. [3 definitions] |
corn silk |
the long silky part of the pistil of the corn plant, lying between the rows of kernels and extending beyond the tip of the ear. |
cornstalk |
the fibrous stem of a corn plant. |
cornstarch |
a fine, starchy flour ground from corn grains, used as a thickener for cooked foods or a source of industrial starch. |
corn sugar |
dextrose, esp. that derived from cornstarch. |
corn syrup |
a sweetener derived from cornstarch, containing glucose, maltose, and dextrin. |
cornucopia |
a mythological goat's horn containing an endless supply of food, used as a symbol of abundance and prosperity; horn of plenty. [3 definitions] |
corn whiskey |
whiskey made from a mash of at least eighty percent corn; corn liquor. |
corny |
(informal) of humor, lacking subtlety; obvious; trite. [2 definitions] |
corolla |
the petals of a flower collectively. |
corollary |
a readily drawn conclusion; deduction or inference. [4 definitions] |
corona |
in meteorology, a ring or series of concentric rings seen around a heavenly body, caused by diffraction due to fine mist or dust in the atmosphere. (See aureole.) [5 definitions] |
Corona Borealis |
a spring constellation in the northern sky, located between Hercules and Boötes; Northern Crown. |
coronagraph |
telescopic equipment that blocks light from a star so that the star's corona and objects close to the star can be resolved. |
coronary |
of or pertaining to the heart or the blood vessels that supply it. [5 definitions] |