cost |
the amount charged or given in payment for services or goods; price. [6 definitions] |
cost accounting |
an accounting system in which all costs of production and distribution are itemized and allocated, as to various products. |
costal |
of or relating to the ribs or the rib area. |
costar |
one of two or more lead performers in the same presentation. [3 definitions] |
Costa Rica |
a Central American country between Panama and Nicaragua. |
cost-effective |
producing optimum results for the amount spent; efficient or economical. |
costive |
having or causing difficult or infrequent bowel movement; constipated or constipating. [2 definitions] |
costless |
combined form of cost. |
costly |
of high cost, value, or expense. [2 definitions] |
cost of living |
the average cost of food, shelter, clothes, and other basic necessities for a household or a single person. |
cost-of-living |
determined by, or adjusted to, changes in the cost of living. |
cost-plus |
the sum of the actual costs of manufacture and a previously fixed profit. [2 definitions] |
cost-push |
of or denoting the situation in which higher costs of production cause higher retail prices. (Cf. demand-pull.) |
costume |
the type or style of clothing, jewelry, makeup, and the like worn in a particular place or time or by members of a particular profession or group. [4 definitions] |
costume jewelry |
jewelry made of inexpensive materials or set with imitation or semiprecious stones. |
costumer |
a person who makes, sells, or rents costumes, as for costume parties or theater companies. |
cosy |
variant of cozy. |
cot1 |
a small portable bed, esp. one that folds up. [2 definitions] |
cot2 |
a small dwelling, such as a hut. [3 definitions] |
cotangent |
in trigonometry, the ratio between the side adjacent to a given acute angle in a right triangle and the opposite side. |
cote |
a small shelter, esp. one built for birds or animals. |