cottager |
a person who lives in or spends vacations in a cottage. |
cotter |
a metal fastener, such as a pin, bolt, or wedge, that is fitted in a slot. [2 definitions] |
cotterless |
combined form of cotter. |
cotter pin |
a split pin with ends that can be spread apart to fasten it in place after it is inserted through a slot or hole. |
cotton |
a plant that produces soft, white fibers used in making a variety of textile products. [6 definitions] |
cotton batting |
batting made of cotton. |
cotton candy |
a candy consisting of melted sugar spun into a fluffy mass around a stick or paper cone. |
cotton flannel |
a soft, napped fabric made of cotton. |
cotton gin |
a machine that separates cotton fibers from the seeds and their hulls. |
cottonmouth |
a poisonous North American snake that lives in swamps; water moccasin. |
cottonseed |
the seed of the cotton plant, used to produce an oil, fertilizer, and animal food. |
cottonseed meal |
meal made from the cottonseed after the hull and oil are removed, used as fertilizer and feed. |
cottontail |
any of several North American rabbits having conspicuous white tails. |
cottonwood |
any of several rapid-growing American poplars that bear seeds with cottonlike hair. [2 definitions] |
cotton wool |
cotton that is in its raw state or unprocessed. [3 definitions] |
cottony |
of or resembling cotton, esp. in texture. [2 definitions] |
cotyledon |
in a great number of plants, one of usu. two leaves that appear first after a seed has sprouted and are usu. different in shape from later leaves. |
couch |
a large piece of upholstered furniture with a back and usu. with arms, on which several people can sit or one can lie; sofa. [4 definitions] |
couchant |
lying or reclining. [2 definitions] |
couch grass |
a grass that has creeping rootstocks, by which it spreads rapidly, and is considered a troublesome weed; quack grass; quitch. |
couching |
(archaic) the act or an instance of crouching or bowing low to the ground. |