cream of tartar |
a white powdery substance used in baking powder and food preparations, and in tinning metal; potassium bitartrate. |
cream of the crop |
the best one. |
cream puff |
a light pastry shell with a whipped cream or custard filling. |
cream sauce |
a white sauce of flour, butter, and milk or cream cooked together. |
cream soda |
a soft drink, lightly colored, of vanilla flavor. |
creamy |
creamlike in taste, consistency, or appearance; smooth-textured. [2 definitions] |
crease |
a groove or fold, produced by heat or pressure. [6 definitions] |
creaseless |
combined form of crease. |
create |
to bring into being. [3 definitions] |
creatine |
a compound found in muscle primarily as phosphocreatine, which supplies energy for muscle contraction. Creatine can be taken as a dietary supplement. |
creatinine |
a waste product produced in muscle from the breakdown of creatine. Elevated levels in blood indicate impaired kidney function. |
creation |
the act of creating or of causing something to exist. [3 definitions] |
creationism |
the doctrine that the world, life, and matter were created out of nothing by an omnipotent god, rather than that they evolved from other forms. [2 definitions] |
creation science |
a form of creationism that opposes the scientific theory of evolution, holding that the origin of the universe as related in the Bible can be proved scientifically. |
creative |
capable of inventing or producing something original or imaginative. [2 definitions] |
creative writing |
the activity of writing original stories, poems, plays, novels, or the like, esp. as part of an educational subject or course. |
creativity |
the capability of inventing or producing original or imaginative work. [2 definitions] |
creator |
one who creates. [2 definitions] |
creature |
a living being, either human or animal. [2 definitions] |
crèche |
a model of Jesus Christ's nativity in the Bethlehem stable, exhibited esp. at Christmas. [3 definitions] |
credence |
acceptance (of a statement or the like) as valid or true. [2 definitions] |