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cue1 in theater, anything done or said that is a signal for speech or action on the stage. [3 definitions]
cue2 a long stick, narrow at the tip, that is used by pool and billiards players to hit the ball. [4 definitions]
cue ball the solid white ball set in motion by the cue in pool and billiards.
cue card a large card displaying a television performer's lines, used as a prompt for the performer but kept out of the audience's view.
cuff1 a folded over and usu. sewn piece of material at the end of a shirt sleeve or pants leg, serving as trimming. [4 definitions]
cuff2 to hit or slap, esp. with an open hand. [2 definitions]
cuff link either of a pair of linked buttons or other small device inserted into the buttonholes of a cuff to keep it closed.
cui bono the legal principle that the responsibility for a certain act is likely to lie with one who had something to gain as a result of that act. [2 definitions]
cuirass a piece of close-fitting armor that protects the chest and back. [4 definitions]
cuirassier a cavalry soldier who wears a cuirass.
cuish a cuisse.
cuisine a particular type of cooking, especially that of a particular region, or the food in general that is prepared in this way.
cuisse a piece of armor made to wear on the thigh.
cul-de-sac a passage whose only exit is the entrance, such as a dead-end street. [2 definitions]
-cule small.
culex any of various mosquitoes that are very common in North America and Europe.
culinary of, concerning, or used for cooking.
cull to sort out or select from a large collection or quantity. [5 definitions]
culm1 particle waste from coal screening. [3 definitions]
culm2 the jointed, usu. hollow stem of various grasses.
culminate to arrive at a climax or conclusion (usu. fol. by "in"). [2 definitions]