curtail |
to make shorter; cut off part of. |
curtain |
a piece of cloth hung in a window, archway, or other opening for decoration, to shut out light or to conceal something. [7 definitions] |
curtain call |
an invitation, communicated by an audience's appreciative applause, for performers to return to the stage after a performance has ended. |
curtainless |
combined form of curtain. |
curtain raiser |
a short play presented before the main production. [2 definitions] |
curtain wall |
an exterior wall that has no structural function. |
curtsy |
a formal gesture of respect, made by girls and women, in which the body is lowered slightly by bending the knees while, often, one foot extends behind the other; counterpart of a bow by boys and men. [2 definitions] |
curvaceous |
(informal) of a woman, having a full figure with pronounced curves; voluptuous. |
curvature |
the condition of being curved or bent. [3 definitions] |
curve |
an arc of a circle or any line resembling such a segment. [7 definitions] |
curve ball |
a baseball pitch in which the ball curves toward the opposite side from which it was thrown. [2 definitions] |
curved |
having the shape of a curve; not straight or angular. |
curvet |
an advanced dressage figure in which a horse must rear and then spring forward onto its forelegs with the hind legs fully outstretched. [2 definitions] |
curvilinear |
made of or enclosed by one or more curved lines. |
curvy |
having many curves. [2 definitions] |
cusec |
a unit for measuring volume of flowing fluid, equal to one cubic foot per second. |
Cushing's disease |
a disease caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland and characterized by obesity, hypertension, muscular weakness, and diabetes. |
cushion |
a soft envelope of fabric that is filled with feathers, air, foam rubber, or the like and used for decoration or to make surfaces more comfortable; pillow. [5 definitions] |
cushionless |
combined form of cushion. |
Cushitic |
a subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family of languages, spoken in Ethiopia, Somalia, and other parts of eastern Africa. [2 definitions] |
cusp |
a pointed end, as on the chewing surface of a tooth. [3 definitions] |