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cybernation the use of computers to control and operate equipment, as in manufacturing.
cybernetics (used with a sing. verb) the science concerned with biological control and communication processes and their imitation by mechanical and electronic devices.
cyberspace the electronic medium of globally networked computers, esp. when conceived of as a three-dimensional space where online communication and transactions take place.
cyberterrorism damage to or disruption of computer systems by terrorists, or the use of computer systems in terrorist activities.
cycad a tropical evergreen plant resembling a palm, but having fernlike leaves.
cyclamate any of several noncaloric artificial sweeteners.
cyclamen any of various plants of the primrose family that bear brightly colored flowers and heart-shaped leaves.
cycle a circle of events that repeats in a regular pattern. [7 definitions]
cycle rickshaw a type of transportation originating in Asia, having three wheels and two passenger seats, and powered by a person pedaling; pedicab; bicycle rickshaw.
cyclic pertaining to, forming, or recurring in a cycle. [2 definitions]
cyclical pertaining to, forming, or recurring in a cycle. [3 definitions]
cycling the activity or competitive sport of riding or racing on a bicycle. [2 definitions]
cyclist one who rides a bicycle, motorcycle, or the like.
cyclizine an antihistamine used to combat nausea and motion sickness.
cyclo- cycle; circle; ring. [2 definitions]
cycloid circular. [3 definitions]
cyclometer an instrument used to measure segments of circles. [2 definitions]
cyclone a large system of winds that rotates around a center of low barometric pressure, moving counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern, and usu. producing destructive storms. (Cf. anticyclone.) [2 definitions]
cyclone fence a strong chain-link fence, usu. high and topped with barbed wire, used around military bases, prisons, and the like.
cyclonite an insoluble, crystalline, nitrogen compound used as an explosive or as rat poison.
Cyclopean of, concerning, or characteristic of the Cyclopes. [2 definitions]