debauchee |
one who excessively indulges in sensual pleasures. |
debauchery |
excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures, esp. of a sexual nature, or an instance of this. |
debenture |
a corporate or government bond that pays fixed interest and that is backed by the issuer's credit status. [2 definitions] |
debilitate |
to make feeble; weaken. |
debility |
a state of unusual physical weakness, esp. as the result of disease. |
debit |
an amount of money removed from or owed on an account, or the record of that amount. [5 definitions] |
debit card |
a card issued by the holder's bank used to pay for purchases or withdraw money by an immediate electronic debiting of funds on deposit in the holder's bank account, and often also allowing transactions at an ATM machine. |
debonair |
having or marked by a charming and carefree but polite manner; suave. |
debouch |
to advance out of a confined or narrow space such as a canyon into open country. [4 definitions] |
debrief |
to question (an astronaut, soldier, or the like) in order to obtain any information gathered during a mission. |
debris |
scattered fragments, as after an act of destruction; ruins; rubble. [2 definitions] |
debt |
something owed to another, such as money or services. [3 definitions] |
debtless |
combined form of debt. |
debt of honor |
a debt incurred in gambling. |
debtor |
one who owes a debt to another. |
debug |
(informal) to eliminate errors or malfunctioning parts in, esp. computer programs and computers or other complex electronic systems. [3 definitions] |
debunk |
to expose or ridicule the falseness or exaggerations of (a claim, theory, or the like). |
debut |
a person's first public appearance, as on stage or in concert. [5 definitions] |
debutante |
a girl being formally presented to society. |
Dec. |
abbreviation of "December," the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days. |
deca- |
ten. |