delusive |
tending to mislead or deceive. [2 definitions] |
deluxe |
especially sumptuous, elegant, or expensive. [2 definitions] |
delve |
to make a careful, thoroughgoing search, as for information. |
demagnetize |
to remove or neutralize the magnetic properties of. |
demagogic |
resembling, pertaining to, or characteristic of a demagogue. |
demagogue |
a leader, esp. a speaker or politician, who attempts to persuade and to gain a following by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the public, rather than by rational argument. [2 definitions] |
demagoguery |
the practices or techniques characteristic of or associated with demagogues. |
demand |
to request forcefully. [9 definitions] |
demandable |
combined form of demand. |
demand deposit |
a bank deposit that can be withdrawn with no advance notice. |
demanding |
requiring or demanding a great deal. [2 definitions] |
demand-pull |
of or denoting a type of increase in prices that is caused by increased demand for a limited supply of goods or services. (Cf. cost-push.) |
demarcate |
to determine or mark the boundaries of; delimit. [2 definitions] |
demarcation |
the determination or marking of boundaries or limits. [2 definitions] |
démarche |
a move, countermove, tactic, or maneuver, esp. in diplomacy. |
demean1 |
to lower in esteem, stature, or dignity; degrade. |
demean2 |
to behave or conduct (oneself) in a certain way. |
demeanor |
the way in which one conducts oneself; deportment. [2 definitions] |
demented |
mentally disturbed; mad; insane. [2 definitions] |
dementia |
mental illness; madness; insanity. [2 definitions] |
dementia praecox |
see "schizophrenia." |