demonology |
the study of demons or of demon worship. [2 definitions] |
demonstrable |
able to be demonstrated. [2 definitions] |
demonstrate |
to explain or describe, esp. by modeling or using many examples. [4 definitions] |
demonstration |
the act of proving with evidence. [5 definitions] |
demonstrative |
serving to demonstrate or illustrate; explanatory. [5 definitions] |
demonstrator |
a person who demonstrates something. [3 definitions] |
demoralize |
to weaken or destroy the confidence, courage, spirit, or morale of. [3 definitions] |
demote |
to lower in position, grade, class, or rank. |
demotic |
of or relating to the common people; popular. [2 definitions] |
demulcent |
soothing, as an ointment or the like. [2 definitions] |
demur |
to object or indicate opposition to something. [3 definitions] |
demure |
quiet, shy, modest, or reserved in manner. [2 definitions] |
demurrage |
the delay in loading or unloading a ship or other freight carrier beyond a previously specified time. [2 definitions] |
demurrer |
a plea for the dismissal of a lawsuit based on the alleged insufficiency of the opposition's contentions to support its claim, or on other legal defects. [3 definitions] |
demyelination |
loss of the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells that causes impaired function, as in multiple sclerosis. |
demythologize |
to discount or do away with the mythological characteristics or mythical associations of, as in an attempt to arrive at a more realistic understanding. |
den |
the resting place or retreat of a large predatory wild animal, such as a wolf or lion; lair. [4 definitions] |
denar |
the chief monetary unit of North Macedonia. |
denarius |
a silver coin of ancient Rome. [2 definitions] |
denationalize |
to remove (an industry or the like) from government control and place in the hands of private owners. [2 definitions] |
denaturalize |
to strip of citizenship in a country. [2 definitions] |