denier2 |
a unit of weight, indicating the fineness of yarns such as silk, rayon, or nylon, equal to one gram per 9000 meters of yarn. [2 definitions] |
denigrate |
to deny the worth of; sneer at; belittle. [2 definitions] |
denim |
a sturdy, twilled, cotton cloth used in clothing, esp. jeans. [3 definitions] |
denitrify |
to change (nitrates) into free nitrogen and other compounds, as by bacterial action. |
denizen |
an animal, plant, or person living in or frequenting a particular place or area. |
Denmark |
a Scandinavian country comprising a peninsula and nearby islands, bordered by Germany and the North Sea. |
denominate |
to name specifically; denote or designate. [2 definitions] |
denomination |
the act of designating or assigning a classifying name. [4 definitions] |
denominational |
of, relating to, or controlled by a religious denomination; sectarian. |
denominative |
naming or forming a name. [3 definitions] |
denominator |
in arithmetic, the number in a fraction that is below the division line, indicating the number of equal parts into which the number above is to be divided; divisor. |
denotation |
an explicit, agreed-upon meaning of a word, as distinguished from connotation. (Cf. connotation.) [3 definitions] |
denote |
to be a mark or signal of; indicate. [3 definitions] |
denouement |
in a novel, play, or film, the final resolution of the plot's complexities and questions. [2 definitions] |
denounce |
to attack or condemn verbally; speak out against; censure. [3 definitions] |
de novo |
(Latin) from the beginning; anew; afresh. |
dense |
having parts closely massed with little space between. [4 definitions] |
density |
the state or condition of being dense. [4 definitions] |
dent1 |
a hollow or depression made in a surface by or as if by pressure or a blow. [3 definitions] |
dent2 |
a projecting, toothlike part, as on a cogwheel. |
dental |
of, related to, or for the teeth. [2 definitions] |