determinacy |
the state of being determinate or determined. |
determinant |
that which is a factor in determining an outcome. |
determinate |
determined by limits or boundaries. [3 definitions] |
determination |
the quality of being determined or resolute. [5 definitions] |
determinative |
able, likely, or acting to determine. [2 definitions] |
determine |
to decide or settle (a question, controversy, or the like) finally and authoritatively. [6 definitions] |
determined |
characterized by determination; resolute. [2 definitions] |
determiner |
someone or something that determines. [2 definitions] |
determinism |
the belief or teaching that every effect, including human thoughts and actions, is completely and predictably determined by preceding causes and that, therefore, free will does not exist. |
deterrence |
the act or process of deterring. [2 definitions] |
deterrent |
that which deters. [2 definitions] |
detest |
to hate; loathe. |
detestable |
inspiring or deserving strong hatred; abominable. |
detestation |
strong dislike; hatred; loathing. [2 definitions] |
dethrone |
to remove from the throne or other high and powerful position; depose. |
detonate |
to explode or cause to explode suddenly and violently. |
detonator |
a device used to set off explosives. [2 definitions] |
detour |
a departure from the direct course, esp. a temporary route established to avoid road blockage or repair. [4 definitions] |
detox |
detoxification, as from a toxic or addictive substance. [3 definitions] |
detoxify |
to eliminate poison or the effects of poison from. [2 definitions] |
detract |
to diminish or take away (often fol. by "from"). [2 definitions] |