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dewdrop a single drop of dew.
dewlap a drooping fold of skin below the neck in some animals such as cattle or dogs.
dewless combined form of dew.
DEW line a line of radar stations, located along the seventieth parallel in Canada and the United States, that provides advance notice of approaching hostile aircraft or missiles (acronym for "distant early warning").
dew point the temperature at which water vapor in the air starts to condense into liquid.
dewy damp or wet with, or as if with, dew. [3 definitions]
dexamethasone a drug used to treat allergies and inflammation.
dexter of or on the right side. (Cf. sinister.)
dexterity grace and easy quickness in using the hands or body; skill. [2 definitions]
dexterous skillful in using one's hands, body, or mind; adroit; clever. [2 definitions]
dextral of or located on the right side; right. (Cf. sinistral.) [3 definitions]
dextrin a gummy substance made from starch and used as a thickener or glue.
dextro- right.
dextroamphetamine a solid compound used to stimulate the central nervous system and control the appetite.
dextrorotation rotation or turning of the plane of polarized light to the right.
dextrorotatory turning to the right. (Cf. levorotatory.) [2 definitions]
dextrorse growing upward in a spiral from left to right, as many climbing plants. (Cf. sinistrorse.)
dextrose a form of sugar that occurs naturally in plant and animal tissue or is synthesized from starch. (See glucose.)
dextrous variant of dexterous.
DFC abbreviation of "Distinguished Flying Cross."
DH abbreviation of "designated hitter," in the American League in baseball, a team member chosen at the beginning of a game to bat in place of the pitcher.