discardable |
combined form of discard. |
disc brake |
a brake that operates by use of pressure exerted from two fixed pads against a rotating disc, as in an automobile. |
discern |
to perceive, make out, or detect. [3 definitions] |
discernable |
combined form of discern. |
discernible |
able to be perceived or distinguished. |
discerning |
exercising good judgment and discrimination; perceptive. |
discernment |
the act or an instance of discerning. [2 definitions] |
discharge |
to shoot or emit. [17 definitions] |
dischargeable |
combined form of discharge. |
discharge tube |
a device that produces light by means of an electric current discharged in gas or vapor. |
disc harrow |
see "disk harrow." |
disciple |
a pupil, adherent, or follower. [2 definitions] |
disciplinarian |
one who supports and imposes strict discipline. |
disciplinary |
of or related to discipline, training, or punishment. |
discipline |
training of the body or mind to bring about desired results, particularly orderliness and obedience. [7 definitions] |
disciplined |
exercising control over one's self and behavior, particularly in the form of regimens of work, training, and the like. [2 definitions] |
disc jockey |
one who plays recorded music and provides commentary over the radio or at an event or venue. |
disclaim |
to deny (as any knowledge of, responsibility for, or connection with). [4 definitions] |
disclaimer |
a denial or repudiation of a claim or connection. [3 definitions] |
disclose |
to make known; reveal. [2 definitions] |
disclosure |
the act or process of making known, uncovering, or exposing. [2 definitions] |