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dry free from wetness, dampness, or moisture. [14 definitions]
dryable combined form of dry.
dryad (often cap.) in Greek and Roman mythology, a spirit or deity that presides over the woods; wood nymph.
dry battery a dry cell, or a battery made up of several connected dry cells.
dry cell an electric cell in which the electrolyte is in a paste, treated with an absorbent, or otherwise protected against spilling.
dry-clean to clean (garments, drapes, or the like) using chemicals other than water.
dry-cleanable combined form of dry-clean.
dry-cleaning a method of cleaning clothes that uses liquid chemicals instead of water.
dry dock a basin-shaped dock that holds a ship and that can be drained or lifted to expose the ship's hull for cleaning or repairs.
dry-dock to put or go into dry dock, as a ship.
dryer a machine used for removing the moisture from something.
dry-eyed not crying; emotionally unmoved.
dry farming a kind of farming practiced in arid regions without irrigation by growing drought-resistant crops or covering them with mulch or other substances to prevent the soil's moisture from evaporating.
dry gangrene gangrene that results from an arterial obstruction, characterized by mummification of the affected tissue but no infection.
dry goods (sometimes used with a sing. verb) textiles, textile products, and related goods for sale.
Dry Ice trademark for solidified carbon dioxide that evaporates as a gas at a very low temperature without passing through a liquid phase, used as a refrigerant.
dryly in a matter-of-fact manner.
dry measure a system of units for measuring the volume of dry things such as grains or fruits.
dryness the quality or condition of being dry. [3 definitions]
dry nurse a woman employed to care for another's baby but not to breast-feed it. (Cf. wet nurse.)
dry-nurse to care for (another's baby) without breast-feeding it. (Cf. wet-nurse.)