earthly |
pertaining to the earth as opposed to spiritual or heavenly realms; worldly. [2 definitions] |
earthman |
a male human being, or person native to earth, esp. in science fiction. |
earth mother |
(sometimes caps.) the planet earth conceived of as the source of all life. [2 definitions] |
earthnut |
any of various plants, such as the peanut or truffle, that bear edible underground tubers, enlarged roots, or the like. [2 definitions] |
earthquake |
a shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface, resulting from volcanic activity or the sudden release of tension along geologic fault lines. |
earth science |
any of the sciences, such as geology, geography, or meteorology, dealing with the origin, structure, and composition of the earth and its changes. |
earthshaking |
challenging or upsetting basic principles, beliefs, or assumptions. |
earth tone |
any of the muted colors found in nature, such as beige, gray, or moss green. |
earthward |
to or toward the earth. [2 definitions] |
earthwork |
an embankment or wall made of earth, usu. for protection against enemy gunfire. [2 definitions] |
earthworm |
any of various long segmented worms that burrow in soil and feed on decaying organic matter. |
earthy |
realistic, practical, and unpretentious. [3 definitions] |
ear trumpet |
a horn-shaped tube formerly used as a hearing aid by those with impaired hearing. |
earwax |
the waxy brownish yellow substance produced in the passage of the outer ear; cerumen. |
earwig |
a nocturnal insect having a pincerslike structure at the rear of the abdomen. [2 definitions] |
ease |
the absence of pain, anxiety, or difficulty. [11 definitions] |
easel |
a free-standing frame for holding an artist's canvas, blackboard, or the like. |
easement |
the act or condition of easing or being eased. [3 definitions] |
ease out |
to cause (someone) to resign in the most gentle or persuasive way possible and without publicizing the fact. |
easily |
without difficulty, stress, or pain. [2 definitions] |
easiness |
the condition of being easy. |