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enchilada a rolled and stuffed tortilla served with a chili sauce.
encina an evergreen oak of the southwestern United States that is often cultivated as a shade tree.
encipher to write (something) in code. (Cf. decipher.)
encircle to form a circle around; surround.
enclave a small territory or country mostly or completely surrounded by another. [2 definitions]
enclitic of or denoting an unstressed word that is usu. used only in combination or close connection with other words, as "'em" in "Let's get 'em." [2 definitions]
enclose to close in or shut in, as with walls or a container. [3 definitions]
enclosed contained within another thing, or surrounded on all sides.
enclosure something that surrounds an area of land, such as a fence or wall, or the land so surrounded. [3 definitions]
encode to convert into code. (Cf. decode.) [2 definitions]
encomiast a person who composes a formal expression of high praise; eulogist.
encomium a formal expression of praise.
encompass to surround or enclose. [2 definitions]
encore once more; again (as a call by an audience for a continuation of a performance). [3 definitions]
encounter to meet or come upon, esp. suddenly or by chance. [6 definitions]
encourage to arouse feelings of hope or courage in; give confidence to; hearten. [4 definitions]
encouragement the act of encouraging or condition of being encouraged. [2 definitions]
encouraging arousing feelings of hope or courage. [2 definitions]
encroach to exceed the established, previously known, or intended limits, usu. gradually. [3 definitions]
encroachment the act of exceeding proper or intended limits, as of territory or property. [2 definitions]
en croûte in a crust, esp. wrapped in pastry and baked.