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English muffin a small, round, flat yeast roll, often baked on a griddle, and usu. split and toasted before eating.
English setter a breed of medium-sized bird dog with long white silky hair mottled with black or brown markings.
English sonnet see "Shakespearean sonnet."
English sparrow a small common brownish gray sparrow; house sparrow.
English walnut a variety of walnut tree or the edible nut it bears, that is widely used in cooking.
Englishwoman a woman who is a native or citizen of England, or a female of English descent.
engorge to eat greedily. [3 definitions]
engraft to graft or join (a shoot from one plant) to another plant.
engrave to cut (a design or lettering) into a hard, flat surface, as by a sharp implement or acid, often for the purpose of making a plate for printing. [4 definitions]
engraving the act, art, or procedure of engraving. [3 definitions]
engross to interest or occupy fully to the exclusion of all else.
engrossed involved or mentally engaged in something to the point of being unable to focus on anything else.
engrossing occupying one's full attention, to the exclusion of all else.
engulf to cover or envelop entirely, as in an abyss, fire, or flood.
enhance to heighten, improve, or increase, as in quality, value, attractiveness, or reputation.
enhancement the act or result of heightening, improving, or increasing, as in quality, value, attractiveness, or reputation.
enigma something puzzling, contradictory, or mysterious; something for which a solution cannot be found. [2 definitions]
enigmatic of, concerning, or like an enigma; puzzling; mysterious.
enjoin to order or recommend emphatically. [2 definitions]
enjoy to find pleasure or joy in. [3 definitions]
enjoyable pleasant; entertaining.