entreaty |
an urgent or emotional request; plea. |
entrée |
the act or right of entering. [3 definitions] |
entrench |
to protect or fortify (oneself), as with trenches. [3 definitions] |
entre nous |
(French) between us; confidentially. |
entrepreneur |
someone who assumes the financial risk of beginning and operating one or several businesses. |
entrepreneurial spirit |
enthusiasm and ambition for starting or running a private business. |
entresol |
a low story of a building that is just above the street floor; mezzanine. |
entropy |
in thermodynamics, a mathematical expression of the state of randomness or energy loss in any system. [3 definitions] |
entrust |
to assign or hand over to someone, as for care, protection, or execution. [2 definitions] |
entry |
an act or instance of entering; entrance. [8 definitions] |
entryway |
an entranceway. |
entwine |
to twist or coil together; interweave. |
enucleate |
to remove a cell's nucleus. [2 definitions] |
enucleation |
the removal of a nucleus from a cell. [2 definitions] |
enumerate |
to name or list one by one. [2 definitions] |
enumeration |
the act or process of enumerating. |
enunciate |
to pronounce (words), esp. in a clear and distinct voice. [3 definitions] |
enuresis |
involuntary release of urine, esp. while sleeping; incontinence. |
envelop |
to cover, wrap, enclose, or surround. |
envelope |
a folded paper wrapper made to enclose an object such as a letter, esp. for mailing. [2 definitions] |
envenom |
to make poisonous as by the insertion of venom. [2 definitions] |