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exhaustive thorough and all-encompassing. [2 definitions]
exhaustless combined form of exhaust.
exhibit to expose for viewing or inspection; present; show. [8 definitions]
exhibition an act of exhibiting, or that which is exhibited. [2 definitions]
exhibitionism the practice of purposely behaving so as to attract attention. [2 definitions]
exhibitive serving as an exhibition; exhibiting or revealing (usu. fol. by "of").
exhilarate to invigorate or stimulate greatly. [2 definitions]
exhilaration a feeling or condition of being exhilarated; intense high spirits.
exhort to advise, urge, or incite with great seriousness. [2 definitions]
exhortation the act of urging or advising earnestly. [2 definitions]
exhume to dig out, esp. from a grave; disinter. [2 definitions]
ex-husband one who is no longer one's husband; former husband; past husband.
exigency a condition of urgency. [3 definitions]
exigent requiring immediate attention; urgent or critical. [2 definitions]
exiguous very scanty or lacking; meager.
exile prolonged separation from one's country, home, or loved ones. [6 definitions]
exist to have being or reality. [3 definitions]
existence the state of having being or reality. [4 definitions]
existent living or having being; existing. [3 definitions]
existential of or concerning existence, esp. human existence. [3 definitions]
existentialism a philosophy that emphasizes alienation and anxiety caused by the isolated and unexplainable nature of an individual's experience within an indifferent world, and stresses absolute freedom of choice associated with bearing responsibility for one's acts.