fathead |
(slang) a stupid person. |
father |
a male parent. [10 definitions] |
father confessor |
a priest who hears confessions, esp. in the Roman Catholic Church. [2 definitions] |
father figure |
a person whom one thinks of and responds to as a father. |
fatherhood |
the state or fact of being a father. [2 definitions] |
father-in-law |
the father of a person's wife or husband. |
fatherland |
a person's homeland; native soil. [2 definitions] |
fatherless |
having no living biological father. [2 definitions] |
fatherly |
of or appropriate to a father. |
Father's Day |
in the United States, a day set aside to honor fathers, observed annually on the third Sunday in June. |
Father Time |
time personified as an old man with a long beard, usu. carrying a scythe. |
fathom |
a unit of length equal to six feet, used to measure the depth of water or mines. [3 definitions] |
fathomable |
combined form of fathom. |
Fathometer |
trademark for a sonar instrument that measures water depth. |
fathomless |
too deep to measure or reach the bottom of. [2 definitions] |
fatigable |
tiring easily or frequently. |
fatigue |
mental or physical weariness, or the effort or strain that causes it. [8 definitions] |
fatless |
combined form of fat. |
fatling |
a young domestic animal such as a calf or lamb, fattened for slaughter. |
fat-soluble |
able to dissolve in fats, oils, or hydrophobic solvents. |
fatten |
to make fat or overweight. [4 definitions] |