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foot brake any brake requiring pressure of the foot, as in an automobile and on some bicycles.
footbridge a bridge for pedestrians only.
foot-candle a unit of illumination equal to that produced by one candela at a distance of one foot, or to one lumen per square foot.
foot-dragging deliberate slowness in taking requested action or in making a necessary decision.
footed equipped with a foot or feet. [2 definitions]
-footer someone or something (so many) feet tall, long, or the like.
footer the enlarged foundation work of a building, wall, or the like, used to spread the weight; footing. [2 definitions]
footfall a footstep, esp. the sound of one.
foot fault in tennis, a violation caused if both feet are not behind the base line when one is serving.
footgear shoes, boots, or the like.
foothill a low hill at the foot of a mountain or range of mountains.
foothold a place just large enough to stand or tread on safely, as in mountain climbing. [2 definitions]
footing a foundation or firm basis on which one can stand, build, or develop. [4 definitions]
foot it to go somewhere by walking.
footless combined form of foot.
footlight (usu. pl.) the row of lights at the front of a stage near floor level. [2 definitions]
footlocker a small trunk used to store clothing and personal belongings, as of a soldier, and often kept at the foot of one's bed.
footloose free to come and go as one pleases; not bound by any commitments or responsibilities.
footman a manservant, usu. in uniform, who attends the door of a house or carriage, serves at table, and runs errands.
footnote a note at the foot of a page or the end of a chapter that provides a comment or reference on the above or foregoing text. [4 definitions]
footpad a highwayman or robber who operates on foot.