framing |
the act of supplying with a framework. [2 definitions] |
franc |
the chief monetary unit of several countries, including Switzerland, Chad, Niger, and Rwanda, equaling one hundred centimes. [2 definitions] |
France |
a West European country between Spain and Belgium, and the Atlantic and Mediterranean. |
franchise |
a right or privilege conferred by a government, esp. the right to vote or the rights and powers of incorporation. [5 definitions] |
franchisee |
one to whom a franchise has been granted. |
franchiser |
one that grants a franchise. |
Franciscan |
of or pertaining to one of the Roman Catholic orders founded by St. Francis of Assisi in 1209. [2 definitions] |
francium |
a highly radioactive chemical element of the alkali metal group that has eighty-seven protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Fr) |
Franco- |
French. |
francolin |
any of various African and Asian partridges. |
Francophile |
one who is a great admirer of France and of most things that are French. |
Francophobe |
one who dislikes or fears France, its people or customs, or the like. |
frangible |
easy to break; breakable; fragile. |
frangipani |
a tropical American shrub or tree that bears large and very fragrant flowers. [3 definitions] |
frank1 |
sincere and straightforward. [7 definitions] |
frank2 |
(informal) frankfurter; hot dog. |
Frankenfood |
(slang) genetically modified food. |
Frankenstein |
the title character of Mary W. Shelley's early nineteenth-century novel, who creates a monster that destroys him. [3 definitions] |
Frankfort |
the capital of Kentucky. |
frankfurter |
a thin smoked sausage, usu. made from beef or a mixture of beef and pork. |
frankincense |
a sweet-smelling gum resin obtained from various Asian and African trees and used mainly in incense. |