fusion |
the process or act of fusing. [4 definitions] |
fusion bomb |
see "hydrogen bomb." |
fusionism |
the practice or theory of forming coalitions of political parties. |
fuss |
excessive nervous activity or needless attention. [5 definitions] |
fussbudget |
(informal) one who is excessively worried or tends to find fault over trivial details. |
fussy |
tending to fuss. [3 definitions] |
fustian |
a thick fabric of cotton, cotton and flax, or cotton and wool, with a short pile. [5 definitions] |
fusty |
full of or smelling like mold or mildew. [2 definitions] |
fut. |
abbreviation of "future." |
futile |
unlikely to produce or incapable of producing a desired result; ineffective; useless. [2 definitions] |
futility |
the state or quality of being futile; uselessness. [2 definitions] |
futon |
a very thick, but foldable mattress, generally stuffed with cotton batting, used for sleeping or as sofa cushioning. |
futtock |
one of the segments of the curved wooden ribs in the hull of a ship. |
future |
time that is yet to come. [7 definitions] |
futureless |
combined form of future. |
future life |
life after death; afterlife. |
future perfect |
a verb tense that indicates that an action or state will be completed at some time before a moment in the future, as in "By then he will have realized his error". [2 definitions] |
future shock |
the physical or psychological distress caused by the inability to adjust to the many technological changes in modern society. |
future tense |
a form of a verb that shows that something will happen or a condition will exist in the future. In the sentence "We will go to the zoo," "will go" is in the future tense. |
futurism |
(sometimes cap.) a theory of art and life that predicts a society of increased mechanization, power, speed, and alienation. |
futuristic |
of or pertaining to the future or futurism. |