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Ganesh Hindu god of wisdom and remover of obstacles, represented as a short, fat man with an elephant's head.
Ganesha alternate spelling of Ganesh.
gang1 any group of people, such as those who associate for social or criminal purposes. [3 definitions]
gang2 the valueless minerals, rocks, or the like found mixed with valuable ore; gangue.
Ganges a river that flows eastward across northern India and central Bangladesh and into the Indian Ocean.
Ganges River a river that flows eastward across northern India and central Bangladesh and into the Indian Ocean; Ganges.
gang hook a fishhook consisting of several hooks that are joined at their shanks.
gangland the criminal world.
ganglion any concentrated mass of nerve cells outside the brain or spine, serving as the source of nerve impulses. [2 definitions]
gangly tall, slender, and awkward; gangling.
gangplank a board or other movable walkway used for getting on or off a ship; gangway.
gangrene death or rotting of a part of a living organism caused by faulty circulation, disease, or injury. [2 definitions]
gangrenous of or pertaining to tissue in a living body that is dead or decaying due to impaired blood flow.
gangster someone who belongs to a criminal gang, esp. one who participates in organized crime; mobster.
gangue the valueless minerals, rocks, or the like found mixed with valuable ore; gang.
gang up on (informal) to criticize or attack (someone) as a group.
gangway a path into, out of, around, or through something; passageway. [4 definitions]
ganja a highly resinous form of marijuana.
gannet any of several large, fish-eating ocean birds.
ganoid belonging to a group of fishes, some extinct, that have hard armorlike scales. [2 definitions]
gantlet1 a portion of railroad tracks made up of two separate but overlapping tracks, usu. constructed at a narrow place, such as a tunnel or bridge. [3 definitions]