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gather to bring together into one place or assembly. [12 definitions]
gathering anything that is gathered or collected. [4 definitions]
Gatling gun an early machine gun with a revolving cluster of barrels, each of which was automatically loaded and fired when the cluster was rotated.
GATT abbreviation of "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade."
gauche deficient in manners or other conventions of social behavior; boorish; crude.
gaucherie an act, behavior, or expression that is gauche. [2 definitions]
gaucho a South American cowboy, esp. one from Argentina.
gaud a cheap, flashy ornament.
gaudy tastelessly or excessively ornamented or colored; flashy; garish.
gauge to make an estimate of or a judgment concerning; judge. [7 definitions]
Gaul an ancient region of Europe, now comprising France and parts of surrounding countries, or a comparable sector of the ancient Roman Empire. [2 definitions]
Gauleiter a leader in control of a Nazi district during World War II. [2 definitions]
gaunt exceptionally thin and bony. [2 definitions]
gauntlet1 a metal glove worn as part of a suit of armor. [2 definitions]
gauntlet2 a form of punishment or humiliation, used esp. in former times by the military, in which two rows of people beat someone who is forced to run between them. [3 definitions]
gauss a unit of magnetic induction equal to one maxwell or line of magnetic flux per square centimeter.
Gaussian of or pertaining to a function named after the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss that represents statistical data as a symmetrical bell-shaped curve. [4 definitions]
Gaussian distribution function a function named after the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss that represents statistical data as a symmetrical bell-shaped curve; normal distribution function.
gauze a thin, nearly transparent cloth or other material with a loose or open weave. [2 definitions]
gauze pad a piece of thin, cotton, woven material that is used to cover a wound.
gauzy thin, light, and transparent; gauzelike.