glissando |
performed by playing or sounding a rapid succession of consecutive tones of a scale, as by sliding one or more fingers over the keys of a piano. [3 definitions] |
glisten |
to shine with reflected light, sometimes sparkling and sometimes softly lustrous. [2 definitions] |
glitch |
(informal) a minor problem, mishap, malfunction, or defect, as in a machine or plan. [2 definitions] |
glitter |
to shine brightly, with sparkling or lustrous reflected light. [6 definitions] |
glitz |
(informal) extreme showiness or gaudy, ostentatious sophistication. |
glitzy |
(informal) shining or sparkling as with glitter; glittery. [2 definitions] |
gloaming |
late evening; dusk; twilight. |
gloat |
to feel or express pleasure, pride, or satisfaction, often at someone else's expense. [2 definitions] |
glob |
a small drop, ball, or blob; globule. [2 definitions] |
global |
having to do with the whole earth; worldwide; universal. [3 definitions] |
globalism |
the policy or attitude of putting global or worldwide concerns before national ones. |
globalization |
the process or idea of the world becoming more like that of a single nation with one shared economy and culture rather than separate, distinct countries. |
global positioning device |
a navigational device, usu. hand-held or installed in a vehicle, that uses the Global Positioning System, a global satellite positioning system, or other similar means to determine one's exact location. |
Global Positioning System |
a public satellite navigation system designed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense that provides an accurate global time reference and is used to determine a precise location on Earth. |
global village |
the world considered as a single community, made so by modern air travel, mass media, and the like. |
global warming |
an increase in global temperatures believed to be caused in part by the greenhouse effect. |
globe |
the earth (usu. prec. by "the"). [6 definitions] |
globefish |
any of various fishes that have or are capable of assuming a spherical, globular shape, such as the ocean sunfish and the puffer. |
globetrotter |
someone who travels often and has been to many parts of the world. |
globoid |
shaped approximately like a globe; globular. [2 definitions] |
globose |
shaped like a globe; globular; globoid. |