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golden calf according to the Old Testament, a gold statue of a calf that the Israelites worshiped while Moses was on Mount Sinai. [2 definitions]
Golden Delicious a variety of yellow apple grown esp. in the United States, or the tree that bears this fruit.
golden eagle a large eagle that has golden brown feathers on its head and neck and is found in the mountainous areas of the Northern Hemisphere.
goldeneye either of two diving ducks of Eurasia or North America, having a short black bill, black and white plumage, and bright yellow eyes.
Golden Fleece in Greek mythology, the fleece of a golden, winged ram which is the object of the expedition of Jason and the Argonauts. [2 definitions]
golden handshake (informal) an amount of money or other special incentive offered to an employee as an inducement to retire early.
golden mean the prudent, moderate course between extremes; happy medium. [2 definitions]
golden oldie (informal) a song, record, movie, or the like that was very popular in the past and continues to be so.
golden parachute (informal) a contract or agreement that guarantees top executives of a company severance pay or other compensation in the event that they lose their jobs as a result of an acquisition by or merger with another company, or the severance pay so offered.
golden retriever any of an English breed of large hunting dog with long ears and a thick, wavy, reddish or golden coat.
goldenrod any of various plants that bloom in late summer or early fall with fronds of small, usu. yellow flowers atop tall stiff stems.
golden rule a rule of conduct that is usu. phrased "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
goldenseal a North American woodland plant of the buttercup family, having large round leaves and a thick yellow rootstock and bearing small greenish white flowers. [2 definitions]
golden section in mathematics and the fine arts, a relationship between two dimensions of a plane figure, or two segments of a line, such that the ratio of the smaller to the larger is the same as that of the larger to the sum of the two, or about .62 to 1.00.
golden wedding a fiftieth wedding anniversary.
gold-filled made of a base metal with an outer layer of gold.
gold-finch any of several small North American birds, the males of which are yellow with black wings, tail, and forehead. [2 definitions]
goldfinch a small finch with yellow and black markings, found in North America, Europe, and Asia.
goldfish a small, usu. orange or yellow freshwater fish bred in numerous varieties and often kept in ponds or aquariums.
gold foil gold that has been beaten into thin sheets, slightly thicker than gold leaf.
goldilocks (used with a sing. verb) (cap.) in a European folk tale, a young girl with blond hair who visits the house of three bears. [3 definitions]