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hamate bone a wedge-shaped bone on the side of the wrist that has a hooklike projection on the surface near the palm.
hamburger ground beef in bulk or in a patty, or the sandwich in which such meat is commonly served.
hame either of two curved wooden or metal pieces of a harness collar that fit on either side of a draft animal's neck and to which the traces are attached.
ham-handed clumsy or indelicate, as using large awkward hands or an awkward, insensitive approach.
Hamilton the capital of Bermuda.
Hamlet in one of Shakespeare's tragedies, the title character, a prince who avenges his father's death by slaying the murderer, his own uncle.
hamlet a small village or settlement.
hammer a hand tool having a solid, heavy head set across a handle and used to pound, indent, or beat metal, nails, or the like into shape or place, or any similar device. [14 definitions]
hammer and sickle a representation of these implements, crossed, used as a symbol of the Communist party, the hammer representing workers and the sickle representing peasants.
hammered dulcimer see "dulcimer."
hammerhead the head of a hammer. [2 definitions]
hammerless combined form of hammer.
hammerlock a hold in which a wrestler pulls one arm of an opponent backward and twists it upward.
hammer out to construct or bring about (an agreement or settlement) with energy and determination on all sides.
hammertoe a deformity of the toe in which the second and third joints are permanently bent downward, or a toe so deformed.
hammock a hanging, swingable lounge or bed made of canvas or other strong fabric or netting and slung between two trees or other supports.
Hammurabi a king and lawgiver of Babylonia (about the eighteenth century B.C.).
hammy characteristic of someone who overacts. [2 definitions]
hamper1 to impede or interfere with the progress or action of.
hamper2 a large receptacle, usu. a basket with a lid or cover, as for picnic supplies or dirty laundry.
hamster any of several short-tailed, round-bodied Eurasian rodents that have large cheek pouches, often kept as pets or laboratory animals.