handleless |
combined form of handle. |
handler |
a person who handles something. [3 definitions] |
handless |
combined form of hand. |
handle with kid gloves |
to treat with care, caution, tact, or the like. |
handling |
a using of the hands to touch or carry. [2 definitions] |
handmade |
made, prepared, or fashioned by hand or with hand tools, rather than by machine. |
handmaid |
a female servant or attendant. [2 definitions] |
handmaiden |
a handmaid. |
hand-me-down |
used clothing or some other article passed on to someone, as from an older brother or sister. [4 definitions] |
handoff |
in football, the act, usu. by the quarterback, of handing the ball off to another offensive player. |
hand organ |
a portable barrel organ that is played by turning a crank by hand. |
handout |
a charitable offering of food, clothing, money, or the like to the poor or needy. [2 definitions] |
hand out |
to give to each person; pass out; distribute. |
hand over |
to give up control of (someone or something); surrender. |
hand-painted |
painted by a person, as opposed to being painted by a machine. |
handpick |
to pick (fruits or the like) by hand rather than by machine. [2 definitions] |
handprint |
a mark or impression left by the palm and fingers of the hand. |
handrail |
a narrow rail for support or protection, to be gripped by the hand, as on a stairway. |
handsaw |
a saw with a handle at one end. |
hand's-breadth |
see "handbreadth." |
handset |
a telephone with the receiver and transmitter contained in a single hand-held unit. |