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hogtie to tie the four legs of (an animal) together. [2 definitions]
hogwash scraps or garbage given to hogs; swill. [2 definitions]
ho-hum used to express tiredness, indifference, or boredom.
Hôi An a small coastal town and historical trading port in central Vietnam, also known as Ancient City.
hoi polloi the masses or common people (usu. used as a term of contempt).
hoisin sauce a sweet rich dark sauce of fermented rice, soy beans, vinegar, and seasonings, used esp. in or on Chinese dishes.
hoist to lift or haul up, esp. by mechanical means. [3 definitions]
hoist by one's own petard caught or defeated by one's own traps or schemes.
hoity-toity affecting superiority; self-important, pompous, or haughty. [3 definitions]
hokey (slang) obnoxiously sentimental. [2 definitions]
hokey-pokey trickery; nonsense; hocus-pocus.
hokum (informal) nonsense or absurdity; bunk or claptrap. [2 definitions]
hold1 to have or contain within one's hand or hands. [18 definitions]
hold2 the storage space in the hull of a ship.
hold a brief for to support or defend, as with words (usu. used in the negative).
hold against to keep or use (something) as a reason to have a low opinion of (someone or something).
hold back to restrain (someone or something); prevent from going forth or coming out. [5 definitions]
holder anything that serves the purpose of holding. [2 definitions]
holdfast any device used to attach a thing to a surface, such as a clamp, nail, or hook. [2 definitions]
hold good to remain valid (used esp. in reference to an offer, guarantee, promise, or the like).
holding the act of one that holds. [2 definitions]