hunting |
the act or sport of chasing wild animals for the purpose of capturing or killing them. |
hunting knife |
a large sharp knife carried by hunters and used esp. to skin, gut, and cut up game. |
Huntington's chorea |
an inheritable disorder of the nervous system causing progressive deterioration of the mental processes. |
huntress |
a female hunter. |
huntsman |
a male hunter. [2 definitions] |
hurdle |
a movable or fixed barrier over which a runner or horse must leap in the course of certain races. [6 definitions] |
hurdy-gurdy |
a barrel organ or other musical instrument that is played by turning a crank. [2 definitions] |
hurl |
to throw forcefully. [5 definitions] |
hurly-burly |
a loud, busy, confused commotion; uproar; tumult. [2 definitions] |
Huron |
Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes, northeast of the state of Michigan. [3 definitions] |
hurrah |
used as an exclamation of joy, approval, triumph, encouragement, or the like. [4 definitions] |
hurricane |
a powerful cyclonic storm that originates in the West Indian region of the Atlantic Ocean or in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean near Mexico and Central America. A hurricane is characterized by heavy rains along with winds exceeding 73 miles, or 119 kilometers, per hour. |
hurricane lamp |
a lamp or lantern using kerosene or oil, or a candlestick, having a glass chimney protecting the light from wind or draughts. [2 definitions] |
hurried |
moving or acting quickly; forced to hurry. [2 definitions] |
hurry |
to move or act with speed; hasten (sometimes fol. by "up"). [4 definitions] |
hurry-scurry |
confused, disorderly rushing about. [4 definitions] |
hurry up |
to go faster. |
hurt |
to cause physical damage, pain, or impairment to. [8 definitions] |
hurtful |
causing physical or emotional pain or suffering. |
hurtle |
to speed violently and often noisily. [2 definitions] |
hurtless |
combined form of hurt. |