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Indian agent a U.S. government official responsible for dealing with American Indian tribes, esp. on reservations.
Indianapolis the capital of Indiana.
Indian bread see "corn bread." [2 definitions]
Indian club a wood or metal club with a long neck, like a bottle, used for hand and arm exercises.
Indian corn corn; maize.
Indian file in single file, usu. walking.
Indian meal cornmeal.
Indian millet a type of grain sorghum with slender stalks; durra.
Indian Ocean an ocean south of Asia that stretches from Africa to Australia; Indian.
Indian paintbrush any of several herbs of the southwestern United States that bear bright orange or red spiky flowers.
Indian pipe an almost leafless waxy white plant, related to heath, that lives on decayed organic matter, bears a single white flower on each stalk, and looks like a tobacco pipe.
Indian pudding a baked pudding made of cornmeal, with milk and molasses.
Indian summer a late period of warm dry sunny weather, usu. in late fall or early winter.
Indian tobacco a poisonous North American annual, related to the bellflower, that bears light blue flowers and puffed seed pods.
Indian wrestling a wrestling contest in which two people lie on their backs side by side, but facing in opposite directions, raise and lock their respective near legs, and attempt to force the opponent's leg to the ground. [3 definitions]
India paper a thin opaque paper made in Asia and used for books and engravings. [2 definitions]
India rubber (sometimes l.c.) a crude natural rubber. [2 definitions]
Indic of or pertaining to India; Indian. [2 definitions]
indicate to show or point out. [3 definitions]
indication anything that indicates, such as a sign. [3 definitions]
indicative suggesting; indicating (usu. fol. by "of"). [2 definitions]