kermis |
in the Netherlands and Belgium, an outdoor fair or carnival. [2 definitions] |
kern |
in composing type, to reduce the space between (certain characters). [2 definitions] |
kernel |
the seed contained within the husk of a nut or the stone of a fruit. [4 definitions] |
kerning |
in composing type, a method of reducing the space between certain characters. |
kerogen |
a substance found in certain sedimentary rocks, esp. shale, from which shale oil can be produced. |
kerosene |
a thin liquid fuel obtained by distilling petroleum, coal shale, or the like. |
Kerry blue terrier |
any of a breed of small dog with a long, narrow head, a soft, wavy bluish gray coat, and an erect, docked tail. |
kersey |
a heavy, smooth twilled cloth of wool or wool and cotton, used esp. for coats and uniforms. [2 definitions] |
kestrel |
a small grayish red European falcon that hovers in the air with its head to the wind. [2 definitions] |
ketch |
a sailing vessel with two masts, the larger one forward and the smaller one aft just ahead of the rudder. |
ketchup |
a thick sauce for meat or potatoes, usu. made with tomato purée and spices. |
ketoacidosis |
low blood pH due to high levels of ketone bodies in the blood, esp. occurring in cases of diabetes, alcoholism, and starvation. |
ketone |
a highly reactive organic chemical compound containing a carbonyl group linked to two hydrocarbon radicals. |
ketosis |
the excessive accumulation of ketones in the body. |
kettle |
a broad, deep container in which to boil liquids, esp. water or soup; pot. [3 definitions] |
kettledrum |
a large, deep, resonant drum, hemispherical in shape and usu. played with soft mallets. |
kettle of fish |
(informal) an awkward, difficult, or embarrassing situation. |
keV |
a unit of energy equal to one thousand electron-volts; kiloelectron volt. |
Kewpie |
trademark for a small doll with plump rosy cheeks and large eyes. |
key1 |
a notched or grooved object, usu. metal, that can open or close locks. [8 definitions] |
key2 |
a low island near shore, as off the southern coast of Florida. |