lightship |
a ship equipped with sirens, lights, foghorns, and the like that is moored in dangerous waters to guide other ships. |
lightsome1 |
nimble; lively; agile. [3 definitions] |
lightsome2 |
giving light; luminous. [2 definitions] |
lights out |
a signal to turn off the lights for the night, esp. used in military and other camps. [2 definitions] |
light switch |
a device, especially one on a wall or lamp, that is manipulated in order to turn a light on or off. |
light up |
to suddenly become brightly illuminated. [5 definitions] |
light verse |
poetry, usu. rhymed, that treats its subject humorously. |
lightwave |
of or pertaining to fiber-optic communication equipment. |
lightweight |
weighing little, or less than an otherwise similar object. [6 definitions] |
light-year |
a unit of distance equal to the distance light can travel in a year, or approximately six trillion miles. |
ligneous |
of or having the texture or appearance of wood; woody. |
lignin |
any of a group of plant polymers, found esp. in wood and bark, that provide structural support to the plant. |
lignite |
a brownish black coal of low density that contains wood. |
lignum vitae |
the hard, heavy, durable wood of a genus of evergreen tropical American trees, used in making marine supplies, casters, pulleys, and the like. |
ligroin |
a flammable solvent made by distilling petroleum. |
ligule |
a thin membrane attached to the base of the blade of most grasses. [2 definitions] |
likable |
liked by others, or capable of being liked. |
-like |
similar to; typical of; resembling. |
like1 |
having the same form or characteristics. [11 definitions] |
like2 |
to find pleasure in; enjoy. [8 definitions] |
likeable |
variant of likable. |