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loath extremely reluctant; unwilling.
loathe to dislike extremely; hate; abhor.
loathing very strong dislike; hatred; abhorrence.
loathsome extremely unpleasant or disagreeable; disgusting; abhorrent.
loaves pl. of loaf1.
lob to hit or throw (a ball or the like) in a high, often slow arc. [2 definitions]
Lobamba one of the capital cities of Eswatini, along with Mbabane.
lobar of a lobe or lobes, as of one in the lungs.
lobate possessing a lobe or lobes; lobed. [2 definitions]
lobation the formation of or condition of having lobes. [2 definitions]
lobby a hall or foyer inside the entrance of a hotel, theater, or other large building, often used as a waiting room. [5 definitions]
lobbyist one who attempts, on behalf of a special interest group, to influence the way legislators vote.
lobe a rounded projection, such as that at the base of the ear. [2 definitions]
lobed having or formed as a lobe or lobes. [2 definitions]
lobelia any of various annual or perennial bellflowers bearing clusters of variously colored and irregularly shaped flowers.
loblolly pine a pine tree, common in the southern United States, bearing long needles in pairs or trios.
lobo the gray or timber wolf native to the western United States.
lobotomize to perform a lobotomy on. [2 definitions]
lobotomy surgery involving a cut into or across a lobe of the brain.
lobster any of several large edible marine crustaceans with four pairs of legs and a pair of large claws. [3 definitions]
lobster Newburg lobster cooked in a cream sauce and often flavored with sherry.