mature |
fully grown or developed, as a plant, animal, or human. [9 definitions] |
maturity |
the state of being mature or fully developed. [3 definitions] |
matutinal |
of, relating to, or occurring in the morning; early. |
matzo |
flat, unleavened bread, eaten esp. during Passover, or a piece of such bread. |
maudlin |
foolishly sentimental or tearful. |
maul |
a heavy hammer, sometimes with a wooden head, used to drive stakes, piles, or the like. [3 definitions] |
maunder |
to speak in an aimless or foolish way; babble. [2 definitions] |
Maundy Thursday |
the Thursday before Easter, commemorating the Last Supper and Jesus Christ's washing of the disciples' feet. |
Mauritania |
a West African country on the Atlantic coast between Western Sahara and Senegal; Islamic Republic of Mauritania. |
Mauritius |
an island country in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar. |
mausoleum |
a large, elaborate tomb, or the structure that houses such a tomb. |
mauve |
a purple dye made from aniline. [2 definitions] |
maven |
a person with specialized knowledge, often in practical or everyday matters; expert or connoisseur. |
maverick |
a person who thinks and behaves independently, esp. one who refuses to adhere to the orthodoxy of the group to which he or she belongs. [2 definitions] |
mavis |
a small Eurasian songbird with brown wings and a spotted white breast; song thrush. |
maw |
the mouth, throat, gullet, or stomach of an animal, esp. a carnivorous animal. [2 definitions] |
mawkish |
overly and sickeningly sentimental. [2 definitions] |
max. |
abbreviation of "maximum," the largest possible amount or degree. (Cf. minimum.) |
maxi- |
very large; very long; very great. |
maxilla |
an upper jawbone in vertebrates. [2 definitions] |
maxillary |
of or relating to a maxilla or jawbone. [2 definitions] |